Sunday, 4 October 2009

6 Directories I like

Here's a neat bunch of web diretories I've found. I love fishing and technology especially carp fishing and virtualisation...I realise these make for rather peculiar bedfollows but that's me folks, I like the web and thinking about where it's heading and the social media and web 2.0 directories are shaping up nicely. Here's the list of directories I really like:

Been a while

It's been a while since I last posted and in this time it seems to be the case that directories have rather decreased in popularity. I'm not really sure why this is but it does seem strange to me. I strongly suspect this is down to google frowning on them and people moving to new means of getting ad revenue such as Wordpress. Personally I think this is great because it leaves directories to do what they're best at -categorizing business, information and websites.